Instructional Unit 1, Task 3- The Importance of communication skills for engineers

“Employers identify communication as one of the basic competencies every graduate should have, asserting that the ability to communicate is valuable for obtaining employment and maintaining successful job performance.” Sherwyn Morreale, Michael Osborn & Judy Pearson, Professors of Communication (2000).

According to Morreale, Osborn and Pearson, Professors of Communication (2000), employers emphasise that having communication skills in graduates as it is a fundamental skill as it leads to succeeding in their overall job performance.


  1. I agree with this as well, as it is important for colleagues to communicate among each other in order to understand the task better and in turn improve their overall job performance.

  2. The paraphrasing was concise and well done in capturing the key emphasis which is the importance of communication in achieving and maintaining employment success.


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